Sunday, March 27, 2011

How To Remove A Lock Using A K-Tool (In A Tight Spot)


Here's another quick demonstration of removing a lock with a K-Tool. (From the Teague Fire Department.)

Pro-Tip: Probably better to wear gloves while doing this.

Here's a link to K-Tool use instructions. (Source L.A. County Fire Dept.)

Friday, March 25, 2011

How To Do Ground Ladder Basics

Another outstanding LtTomE video. Starts with great real-life video of throwing ladders to rescue occupants at a working fire. Description of ground ladder parts and basic carrying and raising techniques.

How To Raise A 24-Foot Extension Ladder: Two Person

Older (looks like transferred from videotape) but excellent video. Shows in detail each step and technique method.

Bonus: narrator wid' great New Yawk accent.

How To Raise A 35-Foot Ground-Ladder: One Person

How To Raise An Extension Ladder: One-Person Technique

How To Respond To A Hazmat Incident

Somewhat-cheesy instructional video, professionally produced, with an on-camera narrator. Basically just shows an overview of a hazmat multi-agency drill. Shows some sequences of setting up and using decontamination tents.

How To Use A K-Tool, Step-By-Step

A good step-by-step description of K-Tool use. Includes steps in text on the screen. (Starting at 00:10)

Also has good close ups of how to manipulate the lock mechanisms to open the lock after the lock covers are removed.

Also has good video examples of a "mortise lock" and "deadbolt lock" mechanisms.

Here's a link to K-Tool use instructions. (Source L.A. County Fire Dept.)

Here is an example of a "Mortise Lock":

I think a "mortise lock" is a door lock in which a rectangular cut (rather than a round drilled hole) is made into the door and door frame to house the dead bolt and the door frame hole that it slide into.

Here's a drawing of a Rim Lock:

How To Remove A Lock Using A K-Tool

Here's a link to K-Tool use instructions. (Source L.A. County Fire Dept.)

How To Safely Handle A Power Saw

Specifically shows how to roll the saw on its blade to move it safely. Also has good safety comments in comments text.

Safety Rules Highlighted:
  • Never pick up a running saw. Roll it to where you want to use it. [Do you agree with this?]
  • Stop the blade after each cut. He stops it from spinning by just holding it against the surface of the roof. Then rolls it to the location of the next cut.

How To Cut A Ventilation Hole In A Roof


Source: Brotherhood Instructors Youtube Channel.