Sunday, March 27, 2011

How To Remove A Lock Using A K-Tool (In A Tight Spot)


Here's another quick demonstration of removing a lock with a K-Tool. (From the Teague Fire Department.)

Pro-Tip: Probably better to wear gloves while doing this.

Here's a link to K-Tool use instructions. (Source L.A. County Fire Dept.)

Friday, March 25, 2011

How To Do Ground Ladder Basics

Another outstanding LtTomE video. Starts with great real-life video of throwing ladders to rescue occupants at a working fire. Description of ground ladder parts and basic carrying and raising techniques.

How To Raise A 24-Foot Extension Ladder: Two Person

Older (looks like transferred from videotape) but excellent video. Shows in detail each step and technique method.

Bonus: narrator wid' great New Yawk accent.

How To Raise A 35-Foot Ground-Ladder: One Person

How To Raise An Extension Ladder: One-Person Technique

How To Respond To A Hazmat Incident

Somewhat-cheesy instructional video, professionally produced, with an on-camera narrator. Basically just shows an overview of a hazmat multi-agency drill. Shows some sequences of setting up and using decontamination tents.